Lunch + Legislation with Molly Tamulevich: What Can Animal Advocates Expect from the New Michigan Legislature?

We know that a new legislative session always brings change. But the 102nd Michigan Legislative Session beginning early January 2023 will be change on steroids, as one party will control both the House and Senate, and the Governor’s office. You can watch the interview here.

What does that mean for animals and animal advocates? What can you expect? What should you do now? All this and more in this fascinating — and very positive — episode of Lunch + Legislation.

When your elected officials think of animals, you want them to think of you.

Molly is Michigan State Director for the Humane Society of the United States and an AFA board member. She brings vast knowledge and experience with legislation and legislators in Michigan. There will be a whole slate of new Committee Chairs, returning legislators who have introduced animal-friendly bills in the past and may have more influence now.

One big take-away: Now is the time for advocates to contact their own Michigan elected officials. Don’t miss this opportunity.