Rebecca Wrock, AFA’s Vice President, Joins Varnum Law

Congratulations to Rebecca, who recently joined Varnum’s Estate Planning Practice Team. The firm’s announcement highlights her many activities and accomplishments in animal law, and particularly in estate planning for animals. It mentions that she is Animal Friendly Attorneys™ certified. She has presented for AFA on “Pet Trusts” to a wide audience.

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“She advises clients in estate planning and trusts, including probate avoidance; tax planning; asset protection; planning for companion animals (“pet trusts”); special purpose trusts; funding (including for niche assets); and elder law, including Medicaid, veterans and special needs planning.

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Wrock is a frequent speaker and writer on a variety of topics related to estate planning, with a unique focus on matters involving animals and the inclusion of pets in estate planning considerations. She is a member of the Animal Law sections of both the State Bar of Michigan and Florida Bar and is a certified Animal Friendly Attorney. Wrock also serves as vice president of Attorneys for Animals board of directors and is a member of the Animal Legal Defense Fund.”